Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Just Random Stuff"

As I was tucking Harrison in tonight, he was telling me about running laps around the track at school today for P.E.. He was saying that he was jogging (because they had to run SO far) with one of his friends. I asked if they talked while they ran and he said that they did. I asked what they talked about and he said, "You know, just random stuff." I've never heard him use the word random :). So here are a couple of random things from the last couple of days that I want to remember :).

Yesterday, Lyddie walked into my room and saw my SUPER SOFT blanket folded up. She picked it up and said, "This your green blanket Mommy? It's soft. It's like my pillow. I have it please." It was on of those moments (I've had several lately) when I stop and look at her with my mouth open and think, "I can NOT believe my baby has turned into a little girl." She talks so much all the time and uses very complete sentences. It's just going too fast ;).

She loves to sing. She sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (which Jared and I have BOTH decided is our new favorite song :)) and barely misses a word. She also sings Jesus Loves Me and my favorite part is, "He is STRRROONGG" complete with flexing her muscles. Tonight she was playing this little drum while singing and she would reach down and hit the bell that is attached. She'll be a performer!

Zane is playing open league basketball and is really doing great. He started off more timid than in the regular season (new coach and new players...) but has become so much more comfortable. They played the hardest team (by a VERY long shot) in the league tonight and WON. Ok, so it was 4 (them) on 5 (us) and we had three subs but we still won! In overtime (yes we went to overtime- we have a great little team, they are just THAT good) with the whole gym watching and cheering, Zane hit both of his free throws without even looking nervous. I LOVE that about him. If I had half of his "calm" I'd be thrilled. The Lord knew what I needed in a first child :).

Harrison has been especially sweet over the last few days. He's my sensitive kid. If Jared and I have to take separate vehicles to a game he always rides home with the person that would be alone because he doesn't want them to be lonely. He's just sweet and thoughtful (usually :)). He has given me so many spontaneous hugs and "I love you mom"'s over the last few days that my heart could just bust. He's a unique little man!! I hope and pray that he keeps his sweet nature.

No pics. Just "random stuff". Have a great weekend :)!