Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Shelley and I took Carter, Lydia, and Harrison to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. We had such a great time! The babies didn't like getting down in the straw or grass at first. They got used to it and enjoyed climbing all over the pumpkins. This picture was taken when we first got there. You can tell that Lyddie is not liking the straw.Trying not to touch the straw.

I love this picture. It looks like Lyddie is REALLY telling him something and his expression is so serious. I didn't get great pictures. This is one of the only ones where they are both KIND OF looking at me.

Harrison really liked to turn the pumpkins over and look at the price on the bottom. Once, when he turned it over, it started rolling down the hill and right over THIS sign. "This is a BIG pumpkin!"

Harrison had the job of pulling the wagon full of pumpkins. It was a little heavy getting back up the hill. He did great :)!
He's posing with our loot!


the Pulleys said...

Hey! Which pumpkin patch did y'all go to? I've been wanting to go to one, but I can't decide which one around here would be the best?! Cute's defin. hard to always get more than one to look @ the camera @ one time. I agree! I try it several days each wk. w/ the kiddos @ home too.
I esp. LOVE the story a/b the pumpkin rolling over the 'no rolling pumpkins' sign! That cracked me up!

Love you all...xoxo

Amber said...

That is so much fun! The kids look adorable...We are taking Kaid next weekend, can't wait, he loves it!