Saturday, June 7, 2008

Swimming Pool

We thought about putting an underground pool in for the summer, but time got away and we didn't know exactly what we wanted so we decided to do an above ground for this year. We told the boys that it'd be a "trial" pool. If they are good to help with it then we'll consider an underground next year. Here they are helping Jared build it.
They all love it! There are several pools in the neighborhood so they all go "pool hopping"! The only problem is...
the ground is a LITTLE unlevel!! One benefit is that we have a shallower end and a deeper end =). Very good for Harrison.


Shelley said...

That looks like so much fun!! I can't wait to try it out.

Mandy said...

Fun times!! I wish we had a pool big enough for me to fit in it. Tayson's little pool just doesn't cut it!