Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cupcakes, Pools, and Other Fun Things!

We've had a fun and busy week. We went to the pool THREE times, Aaron and Carrie's three times, went to two birthday parties, and had LOTS of family time. It's been a GOOD week. To top it off, tonight, Harrison said that he loved Lydia more than carrots (and that's saying a lot- that boy LOVES carrots!!).
Here's Harrison helping me make cupcakes. He actually did almost EVERYTHING (and not just for the picture!!). He poured out the wet ingredients, cracked the eggs (NO shells-his grandmas let him make eggs so he's pretty much a PRO!), used the mixer, put the cupcake papers in the muffin tins, and even filled a few with batter (and of course licked the beaters!). He's going to be my little baker. Zane was helping Jared outside with the grill. Lydia was "helping" us by being good in her highchair. She's doing really good with her cup.
She's ventured into the kitchen and pulls up to the barstools.
Getting ready to go to the pool. It takes team work to get out of the house! Harrison helped Lyddie with her bottle while I packed the bags.
Harrison shooting out of the slide. Don't you love the pose!?!
We went to Aaron and Carrie's house after the pool (the guys are building a screened in back porch so we went over to play). The girls really like each other!! Zane is really good with the babies!!! I never imagined him being so soft hearted towards them!!


Mandy said...

What a fun weekend!! What pool did you guys go to?