Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Harrison Club

This afternoon I was packing the boys' clothes for our trip to Florida (YEA--we leave tomorrow!) so Harrison was "babysitting" Lydia in her room. They were being VERY good so I went to check on them. Harrison said, "Wait Mom, don't let her out (there was a tub blocking her from escaping) that's the Harrison Club!! I thought it was really funny at first until I realized that all of those clothes are the ones I'm packing for Lyddie. Oh well, it was entertaining them. No harm done. He even had some of her animals dressed in her clothes. The other pictures are random. I cleared my camera to make room for beach pics.
She is into EVERYTHING and exploring the house! She used to be content to stay in the living room. It's time for more baby gates.
She was so tired this afternoon. She barely cried when I laid her down so I was surprised to find her sleeping sitting up!!!
She bear crawls when she's on the hardwood floor. She's protecting those knees!


Ellis Kathryn and Charlie's Mommy said...

She is getting so big!! So sweet...

We've had an okay response. I think most people are waiting to pay at the door because we've heard that people are coming, but haven't had many pay. The only bad part about that- is that we have deposits to pay with very little money. Oh well-it will be great fun so I hope you guys come!

Mandy said...

I hope you guys have a great time on your trip!!!