Monday, July 28, 2008

Granny's House

On Wednesday, I took the kids to my Granny's house for a visit. I've probably talked about her on here before but she is really, really special to me. When I was little (we lived down the street from her and my Grandpa) I would spend the night at their house EVERY Friday night. I was with them a lot. Her dog didn't even like any of the grandkids except me (I'm not bragging Matt, just stating the facts!!). We've always been really close (even though we don't get together as much as we want to!). She still lives in the house that my dad grew up in. It's so neat to be able to go there with MY kids! ANYWAY... we made rice crispy treats, played Monopoly, Scrabble, and just relaxed. Her house is one of the MOST relaxing places to me. Lyddie loved her big tv on the ground!
Zane cleaned house at Monopoly (and Scrabble)!

PaPa Ray came home before we had to leave. The kids just LOVE him (and he does them, too!).