Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Break Continued

We went to a show called Medieval Times. It was really neat. You get to eat dinner (with no untensils) and watch the guys fight and ride horses. When you got there they assigned you to a certain fighter (his title has left me!). They give you these really sweet hats and you sit with your group and cheer your fighter on. Harrison did NOT want to go! He kept saying that he didn't want to see someone die. Once he got there and saw that it wasn't real he had a blast.Can you tell that Zane's starting to get a little too old for these silly hats! He actually loved it, too.


Kara said...

Looks like you had a great time on your spring break. I'm jealous you got to see Beckham! I love the new header. We love Grumpy's too! It isn't as close the house (we live in Cherry Creek) as it was for you, but we still rather go there than the Rivermarket. - Kara

Christy said...

Ed and I always loved Medieval Times. The scary part for me was the "falconer". I hate birds that are that close to my head!

Looks like you guys had a blast!

Mandy said...

I went to that Medieval times once too!! It was a lot of fun! I was just a little worried about what I was eating, because it was so dark in there!!