Wednesday, February 10, 2010

BIG Girl!

I've been scared to post this for fear of jinxing it but...Lyddie is wearing PANTIES!!! She is doing so great with it. I am very proud of her! It just seems so weird when I'm doing laundry and I come across these sweet little panties. I know very soon it will just be laundry but right now I get so excited when I see them in there :). Goofy, I know! One story that I don't want to forget...Jared heard her up the other morning and went to get her out of bed. He said that she was standing there in tears trying not to pee in her diaper (I won't be brave enough to do panties at night for AWHILE-not matter how well she is doing!). I heard him talking to her so I walked up. He had about five pairs of panties laid out and he was asking her which pair she wanted to wear. So sweet! She is such a sweetie right now! I told Jared that she's my little cheerleader :). I was ironing a shirt the other day and when I finished she said, "Yay Mommy! Mommy all done?" Sometimes she'll ask, "Mommy happy?" I tell her that I am very happy and she asks, "I hug you?" Her new thing right now (which I am not so fond of) is "Stop it Mommy." I tell her not to be hateful and she'll say, "Stop it please Mommy." We have to learn that you can't always add please and make it nice :). She's growing up too fast. Maybe it's because she is (probably-never say never) our last baby. Here's an attempt to record what she's doing right now. I'm drawing a blank since I didn't plan to list things but at least it'll help me to remember SOME of it (I haven't even opened her baby book in a year!):
-Wearing panties!!
-Talking in complete sentences. She has quite a vocabulary!
-Knows her shapes and colors.
-Knows her letters and letter sounds.
-Can count to around 14 (11-14 aren't always really clear).
-Has to pray before going to bed and loves to sing Jesus Loves Me! The other day we were talking about something (I think it was snow) and she said "Jesus made it."
-LOVES raw veggies (like her brothers). We went to eat lunch with Harrison and he was sharing his broccoli and cauliflower with her. The dad sitting across from us asked HOW I got them to do that. It was funny! I have to give her carrots and ranch last or she won't eat anything else. She likes the bad stuff, too. She'll shut herself in the pantry and get the chips out!
This is random but this is what I saw when I was walking upstairs to wake Zane up this morning.Isn't it pretty?! I love mornings after I've been up for about 10 minutes :).


SydneeB said...

she IS sweet! =) and that's a really pretty sunrise you captured!!

Shelley said...

She is getting to be such a big girl. Yay Lyddie!! The sunset is beautiful. There is something about seeing that, that makes it worth getting up early. --on most days :)

amyj said...

Potty trained? Alex is a slacker! :) Truth: I have no idea how to potty train a boy.
I love that one of Lydia is Abby's dress. very sweet.

Rita said...

Okay, everyone's 2 year old is potty trained but mine! Please send Lydia over for a few days to teach Livi. She begs me to let her wear princess panties but doesn't want to use the potty. Do u have any tips for me?