On our last day in Orlando we decided to hang around the condo. We slept in, ate donuts, went swimming, and RELAXED. It was great. It was actually a very relaxing vacation. I didn't know that you could even put relaxing and Disney World in same sentence, let alone the same vacation :). I won't hesitate to do it again!!
This is Lydia when she first woke up.
This is Lydia after TWO donuts. "Thanks Daddy!"
Swimsuit on and ready to go!
It was warmer that day but still a little chilly for swimming (in MY opinion- the kids didn't seem to notice :)). She got in and played but at the end enjoyed sitting on the side and talking to her Daddy.
Playing in the arcade. Zane was better at the dance game than I was! It's harder than it looks :).
Funny story!! As we were pulling into the airport Harrison started crying. I thought, "Aw, that's sweet. He doesn't want to leave yet." He tells me that he's not ready to leave our RENTAL CAR yet. He is in a full out bawl fit and I'm cracking up (great parenting, I know!). He grows emotionally attatched to things very easily (Mrs. Deweese, I HOPE that he's not like this in class :)). I told him that I'd take his picture next to the car so that he wouldn't forget what it looked like. He asked if we could please get the same one the next time we go to Orlando :). I do love that he has a sensitive side. I just hope that he can keep it in check later on. He's not always this sensitive. You just never know when it's going to strike :).
He found his friend, Cooper, in the airport.
We had bumpier flight home. Lyddie said, "I scared, Momma." but did great. FYI, playdoh is a great distraction. I threw it in her bag at the last minute, and it was great for her and H when it was time to turn the electronics off!
It's good to be home. She loved carrying her own backpack thru the terminal. Hold me to it, the paci is my next hurdle. I wanted to wait and take it away when we got home from this trip. She pottytrained a couple of months ago and I didn't want to do two things at once. On that note, she STILL has not peed in her panties!! We did two plane rides and a week of amusement parks. I'm so proud of my little (well, big) girl!! I think that she can "hold it" better than my boys!
Fun Vaca!!! Glad you were able to upload pictures thru the week! And glad you're back in NWA safely!
oh...and stop braggin' about your potty training skills. ;O) See ya in a few!
It looks like you guys had a blast!! I can't wait until the boys are a little bit older so that we can go back to Orlando and do the "Disney" thing! That is so awesome that Lydia potty trained so fast, I think boys are just slower than girls!
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