Today we went to SeaWorld. It was probably our favorite day so far. Well, maybe not for Lyddie since she didn't get to hug Mickey Mouse, but she did hug a big turtle :).

This is the first new roller coaster that I've been on in YEARS! I've gotten timid :(. After this one I may be more willing to ride them again. It was great. Once you are strapped in, they turn you on your tummy (like Superman). So you are hanging from the bottom facing the ground! When you let go you feel like you are flying. I HIGHLY recommend it. It's called Manta. In this picture we are going up the hill so we aren't hanging as much.

It was chilly and windy but the boys rode a water ride. It actually turned into a rollercoaster. I was really proud of Harrison for riding it. He also rode another one in the kid section but it was fast! It wasn't a baby coaster :). Zane rode this water ride 5 times!! He was soaked.

Lydia loved the aquariam floor. She would run all over it and then lay down and watch the fish.

We watched the Shamu show. The kids loved it. Jared kept Harrison and Lydia in the kid section while Zane and I went to ride Manta again. They played in a huge rope house thing (I don't know what it's called!) and had a blast. I didn't know if Lyddie would like it but she told Jared that she wanted more when the had to leave. It was a great day!!
Since your kids loved Sea World so much, I highly recommend the Nemo and Friends exhibit if you are going to Epcot. I think Harrison and Lydia would love Turtle Talk with Crush.
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