Sunday, July 6, 2008

Getting to Florida

Hello from Florida!! Today is our second day in the condo. It's been a little rainy and overcast but we are having a GREAT time. We are here with our friends John and Amy and their girls Kate and Abby. It's so much fun getting to be around little girls!! I'm going to try to post a little while I'm here so that I don't post 50 pictures when I get home! This is Zane and Harrison on the way down. They brought a Pac Man and golf game that plug into the DVD player in the Tahoe. They were lifesavers on the trip. You can only watch so many movies!!
We stopped in Mobile the first night and watched a fireworks display over the bay. We stopped at the battleship the next morning before heading to the beach. Zane is really interested in war right now so we thought he would enjoy it. Just before I took this picture Harrison said, "I've got my two best girls right here!". They are great friends already! Abby has become my little buddy.
John brought his Wii game. The kids (and guys) are loving it. Our condo is fabulous! Kate and Harrison are playing baseball in the entry!The boys have had no trouble sleeping!