Monday, July 28, 2008

9 Months (almost)

Lyddie will be 9 months in a couple of days! She's still such a sweet happy baby. Very content (I'm going to be eating my words!!). She's still pulling up to everything and has gotten very steady. She's not showing signs of walking so that's good! She loves to explore the kitchen. She likes to get into the pantry and play with coke cans. The other day she crawled up 4 or 5 stairs (Jared was right behind her!). We've got baby gates ready to go up. She can drink out of a straw and has started trying quite a few new foods. She been pretty receptive so far! She's very chatty (and finally saying mama!!). I can't imagine who she got that from!!

She likes to sit in her high chair and eat Cheerios.She wasn't sure about the cantaloupe at first but ended up like it.


Rita said...

Lydia is a little doll!

Christy Murphy said...

It was good to see you too! I really am not up in Rogers that often, but I saw you and a neighbor yesterday while I was up there. :) That is wonderful that your sister lives closer now. Lydia is adorable, especially drinking with a straw. :)