Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Zane and Lydia!!

We have several birthday clumped together on BOTH sides of the family. We celebrated Zane, Lydia, and Papa's birthday last Tuesday night at our house. It was a lot of fun!

Jared's sister, Alicia, made this apron for Lydia! I LOVE it!!She got a baby stroller from Great Grandma. Harrison was a little too rough on her other one!She also got this great four wheeler! She has had so much fun with this thing!!This is my niece Ashlyn. Her and Harrison look SO much like each other. I know this is what Lydia will look like when she is five!Zane on his 12th birthday!!!! I can not believe that he is that old!! It was mis match day at school. They were anxious to turn his candle to 21. I can't even imagine!Instead of a big party this year I let him have several friends over to spend the night. They had a lot of fun. Several never went to sleep (including Zane)!The next morning they went swimming to "prove that you were a man"! It was about 45 degrees outside!!!!


Suz said...

Woo those crazy boys! There is no way I would get in a pool with it that cold outside! :)

Thanks for the sweet comment!! It's tough being a Momma! But oh so rewarding!

Shelley said...

Just read your three lastest posts. I can't believe Zane is 12 and Lydia is 2!! What happened to our babies?! They looked so cute/handsome/scary on Halloween I wish we could have seen each other for more than a second. I can't believe Zane didn't want to hang with you. You are the most fun person in the entire Universe =) I love all of Harrison's little sayings. At least it was that Katy Perry song he was quoting. It could have been a lot worse. I had so much fun today. I can't wait to hang out and "shop" soon.