Monday, January 26, 2009

Dinner AND a Show!

Last weekend we went to dinner with Aaron and Carrie. When Aaron was eating his salmon one of the bones got stuck in a pit in his TONSIL! It was really bothering him and he just couldn't get his mind off of it (I can't imagine why!) so Jared told him he would pull it out. He got out one of his hemostats (you just never know when those are going to come in handy), Carrie held the flashlight, and I took pictures. I could see that this was a blog post in the making :)!
This picture does not do that bone justice. It was big!


Rita said...

Oh my goodness! That is too funny.(maybe not for him) Great photo opportunity and story!!

Looks like you all had a great Christmas!

Shelley said...

Ouch!! But what a great Kodak moment :-)

Keisha said...

OK - now that is a GREAT blog post! Good looking out Angie!! That is soooooo funny!