Sunday, August 3, 2008


I just changed my background but I can't figure out how to change the red!! I tried going to fonts and colors but it won't work and it's too late to mess with it. Any advice??


SydneeB said...

holy cow night owl!!! =) this may be what you tried but i change mine under the fonts and colors and then change the page background color.....

Amanda @ Bibs and Cribs said...

hmmm...if you will email me your username and password, i will play with it and see what i can figure out. i promise i won't do anything wierd with your info and i will delete the email as soon as i am finished!

Kara said...

Hey, it looks like when you added your background from Cutest blogs, your old background wasn't deleted. Cutest blogs have you go through a specific process to add their backgrounds, so you may not have fully deleted your Pzam background. Email me if you need help figuring it out.