Sunday, June 29, 2008

Go Diego, Go!!

On Saturday, we took Harrison to see Go Diego, Go at the Walton Art Center. Hannah came over and watched Zane and Lydia (which is not a bad alternative, she's a fun babysitter!). We went to McDonald's for a fast lunch and then headed to the show. The first two pictures were taken with my phone inside the show. Of course we had to buy a Diego backpack on the way out. In the car on the way home, I asked Harrison if he had fun. He said, " I had so much fun Mom, you don't even KNOW how much fun I had. This is the best day of my life!". (The past four days have been "the best days of his life". It's been a great birthday so far!!)


Mandy said...

How fun!! I saw that Go Diego Go was going to be there and I was really hoping, for one brief second, that Tayson was old enough that we could go see it!!