Friday, September 7, 2007

Laundry Chute Mishap

Last Friday, Aaron and Carrie came over. Harrison and Jacob were playing upstairs when we heard Harrison crying. Jacob came to the stairs to get Jared. When he walked into the playroom he could see Harrison's elbows and some blonde hair sticking OUT of the laundry chute. Jared said that he was sweating and shaking, proabaly having used all of his energy to hold himself up. They had decided to empty my ENTIRE linen closet into the chute-- along with toys from the playroom. After throwing blankets, basketballs, LIGHTBULBS-thankfully still in the packages, and pool sticks down they tossed in some pillows. They got stuck so Harrison decided to get in and push them down with his legs. Thankfully he had on his Power Ranger suit so it padded his arms and body a little. It was funny after the initial scare but I think that he learned his lesson. When we were telling Zane about it Harrison said-in a scared serious voice, "Zane, it was NOT awesome."

This is everything that they pulled out of the chute.

The Culprits.


Christy said...

Oh no!!! That is funny, yet scary! Most of the houses that we are looking at up here have laundry I'm going to think of you every time I see one!

tree said...

that was a close one

tree said...

tree is lexie